You often see related or recommended items when shopping, so why not show a list of some of your other events when some views the details of one?

With The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block Pro it’s easy! Just put this at the bottom of the event description:

[ecs-list-events exclude_id='current']

This will showcase some of your other events while excluding the current event from view.

Alternatively you can add it to all events by creating a new functional plugin to put the following code into:

function tecs_add_related_shortcode() {
   echo do_shortcode( "[ecs-list-events exclude_id='current']" );
add_action( 'tribe_events_after_the_content', 'tecs_add_related_shortcode' );

You can also add other options such as filtering by category or tag to narrow the events down further.

Grab a copy of The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block Pro and start cross promoting your events!

Published by Brian Hogg