If you have data stored for your events in a custom field or elsewhere (ie. my_custom_field) and you want to include as a template tag (ie. {my_custom_field}) you can do that with a bit of code in a functional plugin or in your child theme’s functions.php.

Replace my_custom_field with the custom field you want to fetch, and identifier with your calendar’s identifier:

  • all-in-one-event-calendar (All-in-one Event Calendar by Time.ly)
  • event-espresso (Event Espresso)
  • event-organiser (Event Organizer)
  • eventon (EventON)
  • events-manager (Events Manager)
  • eventum (Templatic/Eventum)
  • geodir (Geodirectory)
  • google-calendar-events (Simple Calendar)
  • the-events-calendar (The Events Calendar)
  • event-prime (EventPrime)
// Add the additional data for each event
function ecn_add_my_custom_field_data( $args, $post ) {
	// Use additional_data to store our extra data
	if ( ! isset( $args['additional_data'] ) )
		$args['additional_data'] = array();
	$args['additional_data']['my_custom_field'] = get_post_meta( 
	return $args;

// Register the template tag and description
function ecn_add_my_custom_field( $fields, $plugin ) {
	if ( 'identifier' != $plugin )
		return $fields;
	$fields['my_custom_field'] = 'My Custom Field';
	return $fields;
add_filter( 'ecn_available_format_tags_display', 'ecn_add_my_custom_field', 10, 2 );

Example: Advanced Custom Fields and The Events Calendar

If you’re using Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), you’ll likely want to use get_field() to fetch the data. Here’s an example with The Events Calendar (by Modern Tribe) to fetch the data from an ACF field called my_text_field:

// Add the additional data for each event
function ecn_add_my_acf_field_data( $args, $post ) {
	// Use additional_data to store our extra data
	if ( ! isset( $args['additional_data'] ) )
		$args['additional_data'] = array();
	$args['additional_data']['my_text_field'] = get_field( 'my_text_field', $post->ID );
	return $args;

// Register the template tag and description
function ecn_add_my_acf_field( $fields, $plugin ) {
	if ( 'the-events-calendar' != $plugin )
		return $fields;
	$fields['my_text_field'] = 'My Text Field';
	return $fields;

Now you can put {my_text_field} into your custom Event Calendar Newsletter template wherever you wish.

That’s it! If you’re new to Event Calendar Newsletter, you can check out a summary of the features which includes a demo video.

Published by Brian Hogg